Mobile Office Mercedes bus mobile office

Our Mercedes Bus Mobile Office is the perfect solution for modern professionals, entrepreneurs, and remote teams who value efficiency, sustainability, and flexibility. Say goodbye to the traditional office space and embrace the freedom of working from anywhere while reducing your carbon footprint.

At Scuderia Motor Design, we are revolutionizing the way you work and travel. Imagine a mobile office that not only takes you to your destination but also becomes your workspace on the go – a quiet, comfortable, and eco-friendly environment where you can stay productive, connected, and focused throughout your journey.

  • Sleek side panels integrated with motorized table
  • Cup holders and seat control buttons
  • Alcantara roof with star lights and dedicated air vents over every seat and map lights
  • Dedicated luxury mini bar with 50 liter fridge
  • Coffee machine and glass storage cabinets
  • Vanity powder and changing room
  • Motorized business class styled curtains
  • Soft carpeted walkway aisle with redesigned exterior wrapping  

Embrace the future of productivity and mobility with the Mercedes Bus Mobile Office from Scuderia Motor Design. Contact us today to discuss your customization requirements and be a part of the transformative way we work and travel! Work smarter, travel greener!